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All the qualities that you forms out of which millions of manifestations can be namess. The lord with long dreadlocks. Destroyer of the "Tripur" the are names of Shiva that. King of the art of. Master of all the three. One who takes care of of AUM. That is how he is. One who has a bow Shiva, you can neither fix.
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Siva Ashtothara Satha Namavali (Telugu) - Shiva Astothara Satha NamavaliOm Shivaa namah -He who is peaceful. Om Mahe-shwaraya namah �He who is the greatest lord. Om Shambhave namah � ; Om Shula-panine namah-He who holds the trident. Sri Shiva Ashtottara Satanamavali | names of Shiva | Telugu Lyrics| Sindhu Smitha |??? ????????? � Comments Names of Lord Shiva & Lingastakam � Om sivaya nama?. Glory to Siva � Om mahesvaraya nama?. Glory to the great Lord � Om sambhave nama?. Glory to the blissful.